Entesaf Organization condemns Israeli Zionist crimes

The Organization of Women and Children’s Rights owes the righteousness of the phrases the continuation of a series of crimes of the Israeli -Zionist occupation of the Palestinian people, as the Israeli enemy committed (3) in massacres within (24) hours, and the death toll from the victims increased to (37834) dead and (86858) wounded during 267 day



The organization also denounces the continued imposition of the suffocating siege on the Gaza Strip, preventing fuel and medicines, and cutting electricity that doubled the suffering and form an acute humanitarian crisis


This escalation comes after a series of attacks that affected several regions in Gaza for more than 266 days with the aim of exterminating the Palestinian people. The Israeli entity is considered war crimes that require punishment and revealing the brutal behavior of the occupation and its terrorist army that comes against humanity, and it is classified within the context of crimes, attacks and daily violations that It is committed by the Israeli -Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people, especially the category of children and women in all Palestinian cities.


This is what is a grave violation of international humanitarian law, which criminalizes the targeting of innocent civilians in any way, and the pure civil nature of the place of crimes confirms the intention of the Israeli Zionist occupation army to violate the principles and rules of international humanitarian law, including the principle of humanity, the principle of discrimination and the principle The proportionality, which made these crimes rise to war crimes against humanity and an extension of the scene of war crimes and the genocide committed by the Israeli -Zionist occupation for years in Palestine.



The Organization of the Israeli Zionist occupation forces also holds responsibility for all the crimes targeting civilians, hospitals, ambulances, and others, as the United Nations, the Security Council and Muslim and Arab countries hold their shameful silence and dismiss it for its duties, which encouraged the Israeli -Zionist occupation to continue to commit more One of the war crimes against civilians in the Palestinian territories



Its demand for the international community is renewed in particular the International Court of Justice to open the investigation and criminal accountability and punish all those who prove their involvement in these crimes.



The human rights and humanitarian organizations and all Muslim and Arab countries, honest and free the world also call for their moral and humanitarian responsibilities to advocate the oppressed Palestinian people and condemn the horrific crimes committed by the Israeli -Zionist occupation and pressure on the United Nations, specifically the Security Council to carry out their legal and moral duty to protect civilians and stop this aggression .



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