Statement of Entesaf Condemnation of the Organization Against the Burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden

A statement of condemnation #Entesaf organization regarding the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran in Sweden


#Entesaf organization condemns in the strongest terms what happened recently of a heinous crime targeting our true Islamic religion in Sweden, through an extremist burning a copy of the Holy Quran, and we consider it a hostile step against Islam and Muslims.


It denounces  of this crime, which intends to promote hate speech and incitement against Muslims and their Holy Book, which contradicts the principle of democracy based on respect for different religions and sanctities.


This escalation comes after a series of repeated hostile attacks against Islamic sanctities that require punishment, and this reflects the moral and political bankruptcy that Western governments have reached, and also due to the dubious failure and complicity of some Arab regimes.


The Government of Sweden organization also bears the consequences of what happened in a despicable and irresponsible act in a demonstration, as it was the one that allowed it to be organized.

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