#Entesaf : 8.6 million Male and Female Students Suffer from the Collapse of the Education System in Yemen and the Deprivation of more than 608 Thousand Male and Female Students in the Gaza Strip

While the world celebrates, today, Wednesday, International Education Day, which falls on January 24 of each year.

The United Nations approved this day in 2018; This is because education is one of the most important human rights, and represents both an individual and societal necessity. She stressed that it is “an inherent human right, and a public benefit and responsibility.”

However, the situation in Yemen and Palestine is completely different. It seems that education has been on the brink of collapse for nearly nine years for the Yemeni people and decades for Palestine and the Gaza Strip in the occupied territories.


Entesaf Organization for Women and Children’s Rights reported that about 8.6 million students, both male and female, are suffering from the collapse of the education system and need assistance to continue their education in Yemen as a result of the continued aggression and siege.

While the number of students who were deprived of their right to education in the Gaza Strip reached more than 608 thousand students due to… Zionist aggression.


According to the statement, the number of children who were victims of the aggression rose approximately 9 years ago, to eight thousand 324 dead and wounded, explaining that the number of children killed reached three thousand and 951 dead, while the number of wounded reached four thousand and 373 as of January 23, and while those killed and wounded reached Many children in Palestine, where the number of dead children and students reached 3,141 dead and wounded, indicating 3,117 male and female martyrs in the Gaza Strip and 24 male and female martyrs in the West Bank.

While the number of wounded students reached 4,863 wounded men and women, indicating 4,613 wounded men and women in the Gaza Strip and 250 wounded men and women in the West Bank.


The statement indicated that the number of children facing interruption in education may rise to about 4.7 million students in Yemen who need assistance to ensure the continuation of their education, and they are distributed by 44.7% girls and 55.3% boys, among the students in need of assistance, and there are 8.1 million children in need of educational assistance  emergency in Yemen.


While the statement stated that about 2.7 million children are not enrolled in school in Yemen out of an estimated 10.6 million school-age children (6 to 17 years old), and the rate of girls dropping out of school has risen to more than 31 percent since the beginning of the aggression, which has led to The rate of working girls has increased to 12.3 percent for girls since the beginning of the aggression against Yemen.


Also indicated that the number of completely and partially destroyed educational facilities used to shelter the displaced and unsafe reached 3,768 facilities, or about (11.5%), or approximately 435 completely destroyed schools, and (42%), or approximately 1,578 schools, that were partially damaged by the aggression, while the number of Schools in the Republic of Yemen were used as shelter centers for displaced persons (26.5), or approximately 999 schools, with the closure of (20%), or approximately 756 schools throughout Yemen. 53 literacy and adult education centers were damaged, and 19 basic and women’s training centers were more damaged of the 3,168 people, 84% of whom were women, while the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip was also damaged, as 239 government schools were attacked by bombing them with air strikes, of which 45 schools were severely destroyed, and 50 schools belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees in the Gaza Strip were attacked 70 government school buildings and 145 UNRWA school buildings were used as shelter centers for displaced people.


The statement stated that due to the deterioration of the educational process for nearly 9 years, it caused damage to more than 196,197 male and female teachers as a result of the interruption of their salaries due to the aggression and siege.

They have not received their salaries regularly since 2016 AD, and thus they stopped teaching to find other ways to support their families.

The matter is Which exposes approximately 4 million additional children to the risk of losing access to education, while teachers in the Gaza Strip were also harmed by the Zionist aggression, as the number of dead teachers and administrators reached 130 martyrs, both male and female, while the number of wounded teachers and administrators reached 403 wounded.


The statement pointed out that there are challenges and obstacles facing the education sector and the educational process in general in Yemen, which are the scarcity of capabilities regarding the salaries of male and female teachers, pointing out that they provide education without compensation and on a voluntary basis, and that those enrolled in educational facilities and others do not obtain books, curricula, curricula, and supplies. Scholarship. The deficit in printing school books annually reached 56 million and 615 thousand and forty-four books.

The statement indicated that the illiteracy rate in Yemen has increased from 45% to more than 65%, with its negative effects and social and economic repercussions on society in a country that is classified among the poorest in the world. The percentage of women in literacy and adult education centers is 95%, as the illiteracy rate in the  population of women exceeds 60% in some governorates in Yemen, such as Hodeidah, where the number of illiterate men and women reaches more than 1.2 million, 62% of whom are female.

Moreover, the statement added that approximately 250,000 disabled men and women were receiving their education in public education schools and Yemeni universities, according to official statistics, but the aggression forced them to drop out of education.


According to the statistics of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the higher education and scientific research sector and its various institutions were exposed, during eight years of aggression and siege, to direct and indirect physical damage amounting to 727 billion and 983 million and 291 thousand riyals, approximately one billion and 340 million and 669 thousand dollars.


The statement stated that the continued aggression and the air, land and sea embargo for nearly 9 years, and the direct and systematic targeting of the educational process and its infrastructure, which led to the destruction of thousands of schools, the displacement of thousands of families, the deterioration of economic conditions, and the high rate of poverty, which contributed to the high rate of school dropouts and child labor. As a result of the deterioration of the living conditions of thousands of families, forcing them to push their children into the labor market.


The organization held the aggression coalition led by America and Saudi Arabia responsible for the high rates of student suffering in Yemen due to the deterioration of the educational process, and called on the international community, international organizations, and human rights and humanitarian bodies to bear legal and humanitarian responsibility for the violations that occur against civilians.


It called on the free people of the world to take effective and positive action to stop the aggression and protect civilians, and to form an independent international committee to investigate all violations committed against the Yemeni people, and to hold accountable everyone proven to be involved in them.

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