Statement of Intisaf Organization on the occasion of the International Day of Charity, September 5

Statement of Intisaf Organization on the occasion of the International Day of Charity, September 5


The poverty rate in Yemen has risen to 74% and the poverty rate in Palestine has reached about 58.4%


While the humanitarian community celebrates this year the International Day of Charity on September 5 of each year, which inspires us that this day is a noble humanitarian message centered on the human being wherever he is and however he is without discrimination and bias and to reach a peaceful and stable society, the humanitarian disaster that Yemen and Palestine are going through is one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world according to the United Nations description


In a statement by Entesaf Organization, it was explained that the poverty rate in Yemen has risen to 74% and that humanitarian needs in Yemen will remain high during the year 2024 AD, while the poverty rate in Palestine has reached about 58.4%, with an increase in the number of poor people by 1.74 million people.


The statement also explained that the Yemeni and Palestinian people live under the burden of poverty, lack of health care, killing, displacement and migration, and all their rights claimed by international laws, charters and treaties are violated and deprived of them.


The statement indicated that the priorities of the United Nations in Yemen and Palestine are supposed to improve the living conditions, reduce the suffering of the two peoples, increase the rate of humanitarian aid and lift the siege, which is the right of the Yemeni and Palestinian people, as this will help save the lives of millions of affected people, and reduce the worst humanitarian suffering in the world, which the Yemeni and Palestinian people are experiencing as a result of the aggression and siege.


The statement pointed out that the United Nations’ working mechanism has proven ineffective in dealing with the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and Palestine, which is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, as the suffering of the Yemeni and Palestinian people increases every day, forcing the humanitarian community to review the working mechanisms of international organizations in Yemen and Palestine, most of which lack transparency and integrity in providing humanitarian aid, as the aggression used starvation as a means of war on Yemen and Palestine, which has doubled the suffering of millions of people.


Today, with more than nine years having passed since the Saudi-American aggression on Yemen and 335 days since the Israeli aggression on Palestine, the United Nations lacks transparency, accountability and integrity in the aid of international organizations, which the United Nations must work to share the mechanisms for implementing its humanitarian programs in Yemen and Palestine to achieve transparency.


During the period of aggression, which continues to this day, the role of the United Nations and its organizations has been absent, and the matter has even developed to the point that it has abandoned its responsibilities and withdrawn and reduced support for most vital sectors, including the most important sector, which is the health sector. It ignored all violations against civilians, although it claims rights and freedoms through the covenants, charters and campaigns it promotes and is supposed to preserve the rights of the human community and protect them from all forms of violence directed against them, including the International Day of Charity, which made many lose confidence in the United Nations and its organizations, which did not move a finger towards everything committed against the people of Yemen and Palestine.


As the  organization for Women and Children’s Rights works in the field of protecting civilians and their rights and following up on their humanitarian situation; it is well aware of the nature of the catastrophic conditions experienced by civilians in Yemen and Palestine, where the aggression on Yemen and Palestine and the stifling siege have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and displaced millions who were forced to leave their homes and live in extremely difficult and complex conditions and lack the simplest necessities of life, most of whom are women and children.


The Entesaf Organization for Women and Children’s Rights confirms its rejection, which stems from its awareness that the continuation of this aggression and siege will have catastrophic risks to the humanitarian situation in Yemen, and will double the suffering of the civilian population in Yemen and Palestine, most of whom are now below the poverty line and exposed to genocide.


The #Entesaf Organization for Women and Children’s Rights also holds the coalition led by the aggression responsible, as well as the United Nations, all international organizations, and the international community fully responsible for what the situation will lead to as a result of the unjust siege.


It also renews its appeal to the international community, human rights and humanitarian organizations, and all honorable and free people of the world to assume their moral and humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the oppressed Yemeni and Palestinian people, condemning the horrific crimes committed by the Saudi and Israeli coalition, and pressuring the United Nations, specifically the Security Council, to carry out their legal, humanitarian, and moral duty to uphold human values ​​and noble principles and stop the war and all forms of aggression.

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