Statement of condemnation by #Entesaf Organization regarding the continuation of the crimes of the American-British aggression against children in #Taiz Governorate

Statement of condemnation by #Entesaf Organization regarding the continuation of the crimes of the American-British aggression against children in #Taiz Governorate


#Entesaf Organization condemns the continuation of the crimes of the American-British aggression against the children of Yemen, where two girls were killed and 9 wounded as a result of the bombing of the American-British enemy next to a girls’ school in the Taiziyah District in #Taiz Governorate on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 AD


The targeting is a serious violation of international humanitarian law, which criminalizes the targeting of innocent civilians in any way, and also confirms the deliberate violation of the principles and rules of international humanitarian law by the Saudi coalition forces, including the principle of humanity, the principle of distinction and the principle of proportionality, which made these crimes amount to crimes against humanity and an extension of the series of war crimes and genocide committed by the Saudi aggression coalition for the ninth consecutive year in Yemen.


#Entesaf Organization holds Saudi Arabia and its coalition responsible for all crimes against civilians and demands an investigation and criminal accountability for the coalition leaders and all those proven to be involved in these crimes. It also holds the United Nations and the Security Council responsible for their shameful silence and evasion of their duties, which encouraged the Saudi coalition to continue committing more war crimes against civilians in Yemen.


The organization renews its appeal to the international community, human rights and humanitarian organizations, and all honorable and free people of the world to assume their moral and humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the oppressed Yemeni people, condemning the horrific crimes committed by the Saudi coalition, and pressuring the United Nations, specifically the Security Council, to carry out their legal and moral duty to protect civilians and stop the war and all forms of aggression. It also renews its call to form an impartial international investigation committee to investigate all crimes and massacres committed by the coalition forces against defenseless civilians.


September 10, 2024.

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